Why Oh Why Is There Sugar In My Salt?

When you look at ingredients in table salt, you don’t expect to see sugar as an added ingredient. Well there is in Windsor salt, which most grocery stores in my area carry. Of course I don’t use this salt for the reason that I am against added sugar in products, as a strong believer that sugar is a culprit of many things that ail you. Too many products have it, which adds up to a load of sugar that your body doesn’t need.

I always used Sifto, which doesn’t have sugar added, but it became very frustrating when the last major grocery chain that carried it, Safeway, recently switched to Windsor salt. Why has a salt company, who adds sugar to their salt, taken over a large part of the market?

Two burning questions that need answered, why sugar is in Windsor’s salt and how they are able to overtake the market from Sifto? Both companies have been in the salt business for a very long time.


  • Windsor’s ingredients: Salt, Calcium Silicate, Sugar, Potassium Iodide
  • Sifto’s ingredients: Salt, Calcium Silicate, Sodium Thiosulphate, Potassium Iodide

Sure salt can be a bad thing if too much of it is consumed but the thing is, the balance comes when is mixed with potassium, which is in the ingredients for both products.

What about sugar, what do you balance it with to make it a good thing….salt? Windsor seems to think so.

As I was doing a search about Windsor’s sugar ingredient in their salt, I found out that it is there to prevent the potassium iodide from oxidizing and being lost. Okay…but Sifto doesn’t add sugar and the only ingredient different from Windsor’s is sodium thiosulphate.  Could this ingredient be a replacement to prevent the oxidation of the potassium iodide, therefore sugar doesn’t need to be added?

Well it just proves that Windsor may win the salt market share because no one is paying attention to the ingredients when buying, assuming it’s just salt or that there isn’t any other choice in the store for table salt for consumers to choose from. Bingo!

Sorry Windsor but Sifto wins the salt wars, because they don’t put sugar in their salt and there is no good reason to. If I wanted sugar, I could skip down the aisle and buy sugar instead.

Does your table salt have sugar in it?

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